you fall in search results

There are many tools out there that allow you to monitor the search rank of your websites. These tools range from free to paid services. There are some free tools that offer basic features, while others have advanced features that cost money. Here are some of the best tools for monitoring your SEO status.

1. Google Analytics

This tool is offered by Google and is free to use. You simply need to sign up for an account and then install the tracking code on your website. Once installed, you can view data about your visitors and what pages they visit. You can also set goals for your website and track them over time.

2. Webmaster Tools

Google offers webmasters a way to keep tabs on their sites using its own webmaster tools. Similar to Google Analytics, webmaster tools provide you with detailed statistics about your site’s performance. You can access these stats via a dashboard or through a simple interface.

3. Screaming Frog SEO Spider

Screaming Frog SEO Spider is a great tool for finding keywords and analyzing backlinks. It is a browser extension that crawls your website and finds links to other websites. You can then export the results to Excel or CSV files.

4. SEMrush

SEMrush is a powerful tool for keyword research and analysis. It provides you with a ton of different metrics, including search volume, competition, CPC (cost per click), and much more.

5. Ahrefs

Ahrefs is a great tool for identifying backlink opportunities. It lets you find domains that link to your competitors and analyze their anchor text.

6. Mention

Mention is a great tool for monitoring mentions of your brand and competitors. It helps you identify mentions of your company across social media platforms.